Summer is in full swing, and now is the perfect time to form an extra bond with your fur baby. Why not try some new comfortable indoor or temperature-bearing outdoor activities! Here are some fun activities you can explore with your beloved pets; you can’t go wrong!


The perfect spa day 

Pampering yourself is always a premium pet treats and can be fun with your pets! Spend some time giving your pets a spa treatment. You can start with a bath, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental cleaning, topped off with a massage. Brush your pet’s coat to add a glossy finish. 

Snap them up

Get creative with backdrops, costumes, props, and more. Schedule some time to take the perfect photo shoot or snap some selfies with your fur babies to mark your most special time together. Make sure to have some yummy treats and your pet’s favorite toys on hand to help capture that special moment together. 

Get cooking

Making something for your pet can be a fun reward, and it’s something you can do together! Test out some yummy animal-friendly recipes like pet ice cream,  freeze dried chicken cat treats peanut butter mixes, and some homemade treats, or freeze your pet toys in ice cubes so they can stay hydrated this summer. Snap up and share the experience for all to enjoy.

Learn something new

Schedule some time with your fur baby to look up cool tricks or education opportunities to teach your pet and expand their knowledge via online sources. 



Backyard BBQ

Invite your friends, family, and furry friends for a BBQ to share the food and have fun. Dogs can be treated to sample hotdogs, burgers, ribs, chicken, and the like- be mindful of how much “people food” your pet is fed. You can even offer handmade healthy pet snacks like sweet potatoes, green beans, apples, and more, or always have delicious McLovin’s freeze-dried dog treats on hand for an extra boost of delight. 

Be a Tourist

Plan a day as a tourist in your city with your pet! Take a stroll or a drive and enjoy the sights your location offers, including points of interest, parks, shopping attractions and more. Bringing your pet along with you is not only good for exercise, but you could find a new favorite place to hang out together. 

Splish Splash 

With the summer heating up, it’s the perfect time to check out some pet-friendly beaches, lakes, or pools with your fur babies. Come prepared with toys, water bottles or bowls, towels, and of course, some treat bags. Don’t forget fresh water for both you and your pet. 

Pack a Picnic 

Want something fun to do with your pets? Plan a picnic in the park, at home or on the beach. Gather some cozy blankets, a basket filled with premium pet treats , healthy pet foods, toys, and a camera to snap the special occasion. 

October 03, 2023 — SEO Ninja